Otto Bláthy
Titusz Bláthy Otto (1860-1939), was a Hungarian electrical engineer. He helped create an electric transformer, stabilizer, watt meters, electric motors of alternating current (AC), turbogenerator turbogenerator and highly efficient.
Otto Titusz practical applications began during his work at the Ganz Works in 1883. It performs a number of experiments to create the transformer. In 1885 ZBD alternating current transformer model was created by three engineers Hungary: Otto Bláthy, Miksa Deri and Károly Zipernowsky. (ZBD derived from the initials of their names).
In addition to scholarly works, Otto Titusz Bláthy also known as the creator of chess problems. He specializes in motion a chess move very long. Maybe he can be regarded as the world record holder for the number of steps to chess problems of orthodoxy.
Otto Titusz practical applications began during his work at the Ganz Works in 1883. It performs a number of experiments to create the transformer. In 1885 ZBD alternating current transformer model was created by three engineers Hungary: Otto Bláthy, Miksa Deri and Károly Zipernowsky. (ZBD derived from the initials of their names).
In addition to scholarly works, Otto Titusz Bláthy also known as the creator of chess problems. He specializes in motion a chess move very long. Maybe he can be regarded as the world record holder for the number of steps to chess problems of orthodoxy.
From 1887 he experimented with AC (alternating current) generators connected in parallel, an arrangement the which was Implemented one year later at an Italian power station. It was a worldwide event Sensational That he connected a thermal plant with a hydroelectric power station for the first time. In 1889 he designed the kilowatt hour meter named after him. Many similar devices Had been known, but only Bláthy's one proved reliable in practice. He even improved upon its accuracy in 1912. The kilowatt hour meters used at present operate on the same principle as his original invention. Bláthy was an honorary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences from 1927, held honorary Ph.. D. degrees from the Technical university ties of Budapest and Vienna, and many more distinctions conferred upon him were the resource persons.
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